Investing with OMADA is simpler, more convenient, and potentially more profitable compared to buying investment property directly. It’s a great option for those who want to invest in real estate but don't have the time, money, or expertise to manage properties on their own.

Firstly, the Fund is tasked with identifying promising opportunities within the real estate market. This involves extensive research and due diligence to determine the potential return on investment of various properties. Such opportunities are often characterized by properties that are priced below market value, typically because they are in a state of disrepair or require significant improvements.

Once these prospective investment properties have been identified and evaluated, the Fund then proceeds to acquire them. The properties are usually purchased at a cost lower than their potential market value, with the understanding that further investment will be needed to refurbish and improve them.

After acquisition, the company undertakes necessary renovations to improve the condition and appeal of the properties. These renovations serve a dual purpose: firstly, to ensure the properties meet all the regulatory requirements for habitability; and secondly, to make them aesthetically pleasing and functional for future tenants or buyers.

Subsequent to the refurbishment phase, the Fund manages the rental process of these improved properties. Leasing these properties becomes a source of consistent income, as tenants pay rent for their use. The company handles the rental logistics, including marketing the properties, screening potential tenants, setting and collecting rent, and managing any property maintenance or tenant issues.

Eventually, the Fund may decide to sell the properties. The aim is to sell them at a profit, realizing a return on the investment made in the purchase and subsequent improvements. The decision to sell is often based on various factors, such as market conditions, the property’s appreciation, and the company’s investment strategy.


We make investing in Utah real estate simple. The growing, stable economy and a shortage of properties make now a great time to talk.