Let’s Talk

Acquisition and refurbishment opportunities abound.

Join us and our investors to add value, and contribute positively to the local communities by improving the housing stock.

We’ve helped 1,000’s of people in Utah. We’ve flipped houses Successfully. Now we want to share our success with you.




This offering involves certain risks. In making an investment decision regarding the fund, each prospective investor must rely on its own examination of the fund and the terms of this offering, including the merits and risks involved. See “Risk Factors”. These are speculative securities which involve a high degree of risk. Only those investors who can bear the loss of their entire investment should invest in these units. The securities offered hereby have not been registered under the securities act of 1933, as amended (the “act”), the securities laws of The State of Utah, or under the securities laws of any other state or jurisdiction in reliance upon the exemptions from registration provided by the act and regulation.

What if I have an emergency and I need my money back sooner than 10 years?

You have the option to sell your shares in the fund to another party and we will make every effort we can to help you facilitate this. The fund general partners have first right of refusal.

Is there a way to put my rental income back to work in the fund, in essence, compounding the interest/return?

We are working on ways to facilitate this, but for now, this is not an option.

What is the minimum investment required?

$50,000 is the minimum investment.

Do I have to be an accredited investor?

Yes, you must be an accredited investor for this investment.*

Why invest in Utah?

Utah has grown tremendously in the past few years, economic growth, salary increases, job security and a relocation need to rent.